Inside the PT-76
The PT-76 is essentially a lightly armored boat with a turret.  The driver has his own hatch, but it is just as easy (perhaps easier) to get into his position by going through the hull.  Steering is of the clutch and brake variety, but otherwise the vehicle is easy to drive.

Controls are very basic, but to the right of the main panel, the driver is provided with a gyrocompass, primarily to aid in direction during water operations.
The crew is only three, and therefore the commander doubles as the gunner.  He operates the 76mm gun with manual traverse and elevation handles.  While the handle at the center of the photo would appear to be a powered traverse mechanism, in actuality it is a manual firing device (what Americans call the "manual blaster": much like the blasters used by demo crews).  Due to the lightness of the turret it is easy to rotate, although it would be difficult to track a moving target.
The top hatch is a one piece item that covers most of the turret roof.  Getting in and out is very easy although one must still watch their step, since their is no turret basket.  As a result, when you step into the PT-76, you stand on the hull floor.  Equipment inside the vehicle is extremely sparse.

The turret area is roomy, implying that a fourth person, such as a forward observer, could ride with the vehicle during recon missions.